3rd Year of Operation Save A Life

Today starts the 3rd year of the Operation Save a Life Program in West Michigan. This national award winning public service campaign targets communities to help with fire safety and home fire prevention.

Michigan is one of the leading states in the country for home fire deaths and many of these have occurred in homes without working smoke alarms.

That’s why Kidde Fire Safety, The Home Depot, West Michigan Fire Departments, E.S.C.A.P.E. Fire Safety and My ABC WOTV 4 partner together on Operation Save A Life.

On average, families have less than 3 minutes to escape the home after the first smoke alarms sounds.

3 out of 5 fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms. The key here is “working” smoke alarms.

Over the past 3 years, firefighters have found 90% of homes had smoke alarms but only 50% of them were working.

Check the batteries on your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms twice a year, and replace alarms that are over ten years old.

Local fire departments and American Red Cross team members are installing free smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in communities around West Michigan.

Find out if you are available to receive free smoke or carbon monoxide alarms by calling 1-844-978-4400 or emailing [email protected]

Since starting this program 3 years ago, over 10,000 smoke alarms have been provided to West Michigan homes. There’s also been a 62% reduction in home fire deaths in this time.

For more information visit escapetv.org

Like fire, carbon monoxide is just as deadly!


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