Change your clock, change your battery

Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery

Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery

Throughout October, we have shared tips to keep your family safe from fire.

On Sunday, November 2, it’s time to change your smoke and carbon monoxide alarm batteries when you change your clock back one hour from Daylight Saving Time.

Families are encouraged to use the extra hour “gained” from the end of daylight saving time to review and practice their home fire safety plan and remind their friends, family and neighbors of the life-saving habit of testing and changing smoke alarm batteries.

Working smoke alarms double the chance of a family surviving a home fire and/or an unsafe carbon monoxide level.

Remember, when the smoke or carbon monoxide alarm sound, Get Out and Stay Out and then call 911 from the designated meeting place.

Sometimes saving a life can be that simple – Change Your Clock Change Your Battery® Where You Live!


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