Jake the Fire Safety Dog’s lesson pays off in Olivet


Ask any teacher and they’ll tell you that the lessons can be taught but the real magic is when the student shows that the lesson was learned.

And in the Eaton County community of Olivet that lesson could have been a lifesaver.

You might remember Jake the Fire Safety Dog.


He’s an important part of the 6 News “Safety for You” effort in mid Michigan.

Every year Jake visits dozens of classrooms to demonstrate the importance of having a fire escape plan and how to crawl to safety during a fire.

Last week fire hit an Olivet garage and forced a family from their home at 2 a.m.

When firefighters arrived they found the family gathered together in a safe place while the fire was put out.

Afterwards, while talking with Fire Chief John Collins, the family was explaining what happened and what they did during the fire.

That’s when their 5-year-old daughter piped up and proudly said that they had a safe meeting place because Jake the Fire Dog taught them about it when he visited a preschool class.

No one was injured and this is the 50th documented time a family was “saved” by a child who saw a Jake the Fire Dog or other E.S.C.A.P.E. Fire Safety presentation.

ONLINE: Jake the Fire Safety Dog


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