Maranda Park Party brings community together

The final Maranda Park Party of the summer is coming to Northwestern Middle School in Battle Creek on July 30.

Maranda partners with Battle Creek Public Schools to bring the community together. Each school in the district is represented in one super-sized area with games, giveaways, and to register children for kindergarten. They also provide busing from area elementary schools and apartment complexes. See the schedule here.


The Battle Creek Police Department brings out a huge display to delight children at the Park Party! Visitors can see the bomb squad with a robot, the Emergency Response Team, and a K9. The Police Department loves the opportunity to get together with people in the community and have fun together.

07-09-2015 Marne Interns

The Battle Creek Park Party is extra special for E.S.C.A.P.E. Fire Safety, as they celebrate their 20th anniversary. The organization started in Battle Creek, taking fire safety education into communities using a fire safety demonstration trailer. Last year, E.S.C.A.P.E. had the one millionth child go through the smoke demonstration trailer at the Park Party in Battle Creek. This year, they’re helping super-size the event with prizes and a Rescue Squad bounce house.

The Pearson Family will be at the Park Party once again, bringing their incredible sound to the Craig’s Cruisers Entertainment Stage. The family performs beautiful harmonies for the National Anthem and other songs.

The Maranda Park Party on July 30 is from noon until 2 p.m. Free lunch is served to anyone 18 and under starting at 11:30 a.m., while supplies last.


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