Connecting families to make sure children have a great start. That was the goal of the Play, Learn, Explore Early Childhood Resource Fair.

The fair took place at the Kent Career Technical Center on April 23. Hundreds of families came to see more than 60 preschool and child care centers and 20 vendors that serve families with young children. There were free resources for families to learn about health, dental care, maternity health, children’s development, and more. It was fun for kids too, with plenty of activities, crafts, music, food, and more!

Kids got to visit with mascots from the West Michigan Whitecaps and Grand Rapids Griffins along with Clifford the Big Red Dog and Curious George. The United Dairy Industry of Michigan was there with easy snacks you can make it home that pack a nutritional punch with dairy. The Kent County Oral Health Coalition talked to families about importance of oral health and access to dental care they have through Healthy Kids Dental.

John Ball Zoo spread the word about family memberships and classes for kids ages three up to high school age. Bethany Christian Services talked to families about being refugee parents. Michael McLeieer of E.S.C.A.P.E. Inc. and Operation Save a Life educated children about fire safety and the importance of smoke alarms. And Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital’s Injury Prevention Program focused on three safety measures – making sure kids are in proper car seats, wear helmets when riding bikes, and never leaving kids unattended in or around water.


The kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the holidays. From testing family recipes to decorating cakes and cookies, everyone enjoys being part of the preparations. Kids especially love to be involved in holiday preparations. However, safety in the kitchen is important, especially when there is a lot of activity and people at home.

As you start preparing your holiday schedule and organizing that large family feast, remember to play it safe! E.S.C.A.P.E. Fire Safety offers a few simple tips so you can enjoy time with your loved ones and keep yourself and your family safer from fire.

  • Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking on the stovetop or cooking your turkey so you can keep an eye on the food and check on it frequently.
  • Keep kids away from the stove. Maintain a three-foot kid free zone away from things that are hot and can burn (the stove, oven, microwave, or food).
  • Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids. The steam or splash from vegetables, gravy, or coffee could cause serious burns.
  • Have activities that keep kids out of the kitchen during this busy time. Games, puzzles, or books can keep them busy. Kids can get involved in preparations with recipes that can be done outside the kitchen.
  • Be on alert! If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol, don’t use the oven or stovetop.
  • Keep the floor clear so you don’t trip over kids, toys, pets, pocketbooks, or bags.
  • Keep knives, utility lighters, and matches out of the reach of children. Place these tools up high in a locked cabinet.
  • Never leave children or pets alone in a room with a lit candle. When you leave the room, extinguish the candle.
  • Make sure your smoke alarms are working and are located on every level of your home. Test them by pushing the test button, replace batteries annually and replace alarms every 10 years.
  • Never place smoke alarms in the kitchen or immediately outside the bathroom where cooking odors or steam from the shower can cause nuisance activations.
  • Keep exits clear and accessible. In case of a fire, everyone in the home needs immediate access to the closest exit leading outside.

If your family needs a new smoke alarm and you are unable to obtain one, contact your local fire department or e-mail [email protected] to learn about the Operation Save A Life smoke alarm installation program close to Where You Live!

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Join the E.S.C.A.P.E. Fire Safety Team and Jake the Fire Safety Dog this Saturday at Lowe’s in Portage for the 12th Annual Family Fire Safety Day from 10am – 2pm.  Listen to this morning’s interview with WKZO’s Jim McKinney and E.S.C.A.P.E.’s founder Firefighter Michael McLeieer.


Marandas Park Parties traveled to five communities across West Michigan in 2015, including the July 30 event at Northwestern Middle School in Battle Creek. An estimated 6,100 kids and families turned out at the final Park Party of the summer, bringing this year’s total to an estimated 29,000 participants!

“It has been an amazing summer visiting so many wonderful communities across West Michigan and impacting the lives of so many families across our area. We couldn’t do it without the amazing support of our great sponsors from WOOD TV8 and WOTV 4 and from the communities we visited. A huge thanks to everyone who joined for Park Party season 2015,” Maranda said.

E.S.C.A.P.E. would like to thank our fabulous partners for their continued support of fire and life safety education and commitment to help us keep West Michigan families safe!

07-30-2015 BC Park Party

The Battle Creek Park Party is unique because Maranda partners with Battle Creek Public Schools to bring the community together. Each school in the district was represented in one super-sized area with games, giveaways, and to register children for kindergarten. The district also provided busing from area elementary schools and apartment complexes.