Maranda wraps Park Party season in Battle Creek

Marandas Park Parties traveled to five communities across West Michigan in 2015, including the July 30 event at Northwestern Middle School in Battle Creek. An estimated 6,100 kids and families turned out at the final Park Party of the summer, bringing this year’s total to an estimated 29,000 participants!

“It has been an amazing summer visiting so many wonderful communities across West Michigan and impacting the lives of so many families across our area. We couldn’t do it without the amazing support of our great sponsors from WOOD TV8 and WOTV 4 and from the communities we visited. A huge thanks to everyone who joined for Park Party season 2015,” Maranda said.

E.S.C.A.P.E. would like to thank our fabulous partners for their continued support of fire and life safety education and commitment to help us keep West Michigan families safe!

07-30-2015 BC Park Party

The Battle Creek Park Party is unique because Maranda partners with Battle Creek Public Schools to bring the community together. Each school in the district was represented in one super-sized area with games, giveaways, and to register children for kindergarten. The district also provided busing from area elementary schools and apartment complexes.


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