Fire Prevention Week 2022










Fire Prevention Week 2022 is October 9th – 15th.  The theme is Fire won’t wait. Plan your escape.










2022 also marks the 100th anniversary of Fire Prevention Week.  It’s the longest public health campaign in the United States.

Here is a link to the fire prevention segment between AARP Michigan and E.S.C.A.P.E.

Here is a link to the fire prevention segment on the lifestyle show eightWest on WOOD TV 8.

Here is the link to the fire prevention segment on the lifestyle show Maranda Where You Live on WOOD TV 8 and ABC 4 West Michigan on 10/10/2022.

Here is the link to the live radio interview on WKZO AM 590 and FM 106.9 on Morning’s with Ken Lanphear at 7:50 a.m. on 10/11/2022.



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