Home fire safety as bitter temps continue


As the temps drop, the chance for a home fire increases.  In fact, heating is the #2 cause for home fires.  Firefighter Michael McLeieer from E.S.C.A.P.E. talks with Jeremy Lawrence on the AM 590 WKZO Morning Show this morning.

Michigan ranks #4 in the country for home fire deaths so far in 2015.  The most common factor in most fire fatalities were homes that did not have working smoke alarms.

Working smoke alarms reduce the risk of dying in a fire by as much as 60%.

Adults over 65 are TWICE as likely to die in a home fire and seniors over age 85 are FOUR times as likely to die in a home fire.

Here are some additional fire safety reminders to practice in the home:

Give space heaters space.  Keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can catch fire (furniture, drapes, newspapers).  Unplug space heaters when you leave the room or you go to bed.

Smoke alarms save lives.  Install and maintain smoke alarms and batteries on every level of the home and inside and outside the sleeping areas.  Replace alarms which are older than 10 years in age and change the batteries twice a year (when the clocks are moved forward in the Spring or moved back in the Fall).

Keep older adults safe from fire.  Older adults, especially those with mobility issues, should consider sleeping on the main level of the home and near an exit, so rapid escape is possible during fire or smoke conditions.

For more information on fire safety, or learn how to obtain a free smoke alarm to be installed in your home, contact www.escapeinc.org email at [email protected] or call 1-877-707-1718.

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