Operation Save A Life: Keeping families safe across West Michigan

In West Michigan there’s a special program that can help keep your family safe in the event of a house fire, and it’s all for free. In the video above, firefighter Michael McLeieer, from E.S.C.A.P.E. Fire Safety,  and Jessica Byrd, from Kidde Fire Safety, talk more about Operation Save A Life.

Michigan has been leading the country for home fire deaths, and many of these fire deaths have occurred in homes without working smoke alarms. Over the past three years firefighters have found 90 percent of homes had smoke alarms, however, 50 percent didn’t work. Working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms installed through programs like Operation Save A Life have saved over two dozen families, a 62% reduction. Create an escape plan with your family with this easy printout. 

Operation Save A Life is a national award winning public awareness campaign targeting fire safety and prevention. It’s a partnership between WOTV 4, Kidde Fire Safety, The Home Depot, West Michigan Fire Departments and E.S.C.A.P.E. Fire Safety. Local fire departments and American Red Cross team members will install free smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms to help protect families in communities throughout West Michigan.

Over 10,000 smoke alarms provided by Operation Save A Life have been installed in West Michigan homes, over the past three years. Here is a list of smoke alarm installation programs around West Michigan.


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